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Fees are charged by direct debit.

You can pay in monthly instalments or quarterly (each term upfront). Irrespective of the frequency, you are committed to the entirety of a term or the remainder of a term if you enrol mid-term.

If a payment fails, the payment will be automatically rescheduled three days later. You will incur a charge of $9.90 from the debit service every time a payment fails. We do not charge or receive this fee.


Monthly Payments

Available to instrumental lessons only. Paying monthly is not 'paying as you go'; it is paying the term fees in monthly instalments. The monthly payment amount is the same irrespective of the number of weeks in the month, as the payment amount is calculated by dividing the term tuition fee into three equal payments. However, if you enrol mid-term, or a term is shorter or longer than 10 weeks, the first payment for the term will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis.


The recurring payment date will depend on when you enrol. The exact amount charged to your account is determined by the length and frequency of your lessons and transaction fees charged by the direct debit service. There are three payments for each term:


Term 1: January, February, and March.

Term 2: April, May, and June.

Term 3: July, August, and September.

Term 4: October, November, and December.

Hours per week

Bank account


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Hours per week

Bank account


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Quarterly Payments

Quarterly payments are for the entirety of a term. The exact amount charged to your account is determined by the length and frequency of your lessons and the transaction fees charged by the direct debit service. If you enrol midway through a term or a term is shorter or longer than 10 weeks, the fee is calculated on a pro-rata basis. Quarterly payments are made before the commencement of each term, a day after the applicable census date.

Fees for Head Start Piano are $340 per term for a small group class (3+ students) and $440 for a paired lesson.

Early Starters Music and Movement fees are $269 per term.

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